U fokusu rada Instituta za evropske poslove je praćenje pregovora Srbije sa EU i jačanje kapaciteta svih uključenih u procesu. Imajući u vidu složenost i dugotrajnost ovog procesa, Institut okuplja veliki broj stručnih saradnika sa kojima organizuje treninge, debate i druga usavršavanja zato što želimo da svojim radom doprnesemo boljem razumevanju evroatlantskih integracija. Institut radi na organizovanju treninga i pružanju multiperspektivnih informacija kako bismo omogućili aktivno učešće stručne javnosti i građana u procese donošenja odluka. Institut aktivno zagovara i zalaže se za temeljne reforme u okviru pegovaračkog procesa i u saradnji sa partnerima jačamo kapacitete Srbije da se suoči sa izazovima u globalnom svetu kroz zajedničko delovanje, koje za krajnji cilj ima aktivno članstvo Srbije u evroatlantskim okvirima za dobrobit svih građana.

Narrative Report

Ambassadors’ name Asmir Šestan
Date of the discussion 15.12.2013
Place and address Hadži Bakirbega Tuzlića 1, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Name and contact person in the Institution Slobodan Blagovčanin +38765/457-052
Number of Participants 15
No of female Participants 9
No of Male Participants 6
Occupation of the Participants Students and activists in NGO

Asmir Šestan _ photo 3

What was the topic of the discussion and how was organised?

Topic was reconciliation in the Region of the Western Balkans.

The discussion was organised on excellent level.

Explain the reaction of the participants on your speech.

They were focused when I told about the details of this project but when I start to talk about the reactions of the ambassadors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Serbia, Kosovo* and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, then they start to ask many questions.

Have you notice the impact of your lecture on the participants? Explain.


What were the questions posed by the participants and how did you react?

Questions by the participants were: How cooperated ambassadors of the project “Youth Reconciliation Ambassadors” form Republic of Serbia and Kosovo*, then what we had a common conclusion in Belgrade and how we create plan to cooperate in the coming period. I kindly replied that ambassadors from Republic of Serbia and Kosovo* had excellent cooperation and of course I said that I and my fellow ambassadors from the countries of the Western Balkans had several conclusions and we will with some of the conclusions use for the establishment of regional cooperation in the future.

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