Institute for European Affairs is focusing on negotiations between Serbia and the EU as well as on strengthening the capacity of all sides involved in the process. Given the complexity and long duration of the process, the Institute brings together a large number of professionals and external experts with whom organises trainings, debates and other forms of capacity development. We want to contribute to enhanced understanding of Serbia-EU relations. The Institute provides multi-perspective trainings in order to enable active participation of professionals and citizens in the decision-making processes. The Institute actively advocates for fundamental reforms within the EU integration process and in cooperation with partners working on strengthening Serbia's capacity to face the challenges of the global world through collective action. The overall objective is active membership of Serbia in Euro-Atlantic framework for the benefit of all citizens.

Human rights-just paperwork or facts

Right from the start I want to tell you that this will not be a eulogy
new trends of development (although this development will be) and the implementation of human rights, but a critical review of the progress so far.

Are we aware of our rights, our human rights?

If so, do they use, specifically whether we fully used? There are different opinions and attitudes of individuals, nations, minorities. Should we use them every day neplašeći the consequences. Various types of discrimination, layoffs, corruption, inability to free expression media, secrecy … We all have a right to life, the right to education, freedom of speech and the media, the right to vote in elections, the right to found a family, the right to property ownership and many other guaranteed rights.
And … eternal now that we know their rights whether they can be applied in practice? The answer is far from simple. People are still afraid. Harassment, threats, firings, poverty … These are just some of the facts about what is right and I’ll have to point out it is a basic, human can not use. It is sad, but in WB so. How do you fight that? Are we really hands tied? Maybe it’s still our psyche, whether it is really up to us? Fear that change at the micro level that is around us. We must empower and try it. Let’s us be the  change that we wish to see in the world. As individuals,  we can not do many things, but when people with the same rational thought teamed went out as winners to us what the God-given, human malice and confiscated.

I would say that we, the people of the Balkans do not know calmly settle disputes. Why not follow, I think, one of the creators of human rights. Mahatma famous. In their struggle for an independent India was using nonviolent methods – passive resistance, civil disobedience and boycotts. Except for India neuavisnost advocated for the abolition of the unjust provisions of the Indian caste system. So, I clearly define why it is illusory and rude to say to us, to respect other people’s human rights and to swear like mad that we, as the human rights of our people unreasonably violated. The primary obligation of the state is to ensure respect for the human rights of his people, wherever it may be. Human Rights was written on a paper, and some were adopted by the Assembly, are nothing more than words on paper, if there is no mechanism for their implementation. A mechanism ago, more importantly, provide a guarantee these rights. The organization Human Rights Watch said that the U.S. and the EU should put pressure on Sarajevo, Belgrade and Pristina for violating human rights. The Organization for Human Rights has said that peace and security in the Western Balkans can not be achieved without respect for human rights and the rule of law and it is therefore essential that the EU and the U.S. put pressure on Sarajevo, Belgrade and Pristina.
“Human rights would have to be high in the agenda of talks in the Balkans. Though there is a need to consider the fulfillment of political obligations
EU and U.S. must insist on the improvement of human rights in the Balkans, “
“If governments in the Balkans are serious about European integration, they need to give greater priority to human rights,” said Wanda Troszczynska-van Genderen, Western Balkans researcher at Human Rights Watch. “That includes Croatia, a country considered to be the closest on its path to becoming an EU member, Which is a lot more to do to meet European standards.” The report highlights progress in the mixed region on war crimes accountability and abuses against ethnic minorities, as well as obstacles to the return of displaced persons across the region and problems in the individual countries.
What, who, as we were guaranteed our rights? The Convention defines the content of rights and freedoms and, in case of violation, providing international protection. Proceedings pending before the European Court of Human Rights. Disputes can run individual and inter-state complaints. In Belgium, for example, to equalize the status of marriage and illegitimate children, changed the Civil Code, and in Germany, as a result of improper detentions, the amended provisions of the criminal proceedings.
Individual’s Court by individuals, groups or non-governmental organizations and intergovernmental predstvke member states of the Council of Europe. Provides free legal assistance to the Court by the person submitting evidence of the lack of funds for the payment of legal fees. Validly executive and judicial decisions become a source of law, that is the basis for all future decisions. Here now that I understand the functioning of the court we still face discrimination that still water violations of basic human rights. I led one of many examples and problems faced by Roma children when it comes to their education. Although it is common knowledge that all children are equal and are entitled to the same treatment and the same class. The difference between them is real huge. I looked back to the Western Balkan countries where schooling for Roma children luxury. The specific school facilities in Serbia banned the national minority to be educated with other children. The school administration itself has not allowed access to, let alone attendance Roma. And so now fight for human rights, to implement them, only when management where those rights are the most famous and violating them? Of course it will not be easy. It’s not something that was created overnight and will not be able to disappear. It will be a long process, such as, for example, and by a process of reconciliation with the nation state Western Balkans area. We can not give up, because the struggle for rights is halfway to achieving them. We fight and discuss about it. Getting acquainted with the people of their rights and the way to achieving them. Let us help and support them, learn their minority rights and strive for equalization process.

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