Institute for European Affairs is focusing on negotiations between Serbia and the EU as well as on strengthening the capacity of all sides involved in the process. Given the complexity and long duration of the process, the Institute brings together a large number of professionals and external experts with whom organises trainings, debates and other forms of capacity development. We want to contribute to enhanced understanding of Serbia-EU relations. The Institute provides multi-perspective trainings in order to enable active participation of professionals and citizens in the decision-making processes. The Institute actively advocates for fundamental reforms within the EU integration process and in cooperation with partners working on strengthening Serbia's capacity to face the challenges of the global world through collective action. The overall objective is active membership of Serbia in Euro-Atlantic framework for the benefit of all citizens.

My contribution to Regional Reconciliation – “Heal the region”

Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better world for our children and our children’s children. So that they know it’s a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better place.”

Michael Jackson, Heal the World[Song_Lyrics]

We should start thinking about Ex-Yugoslavia countries in the same way, as Mr. Jackson thinks for the whole world. There was enough suffering from all sides. Are not we tired of stepping in the same place for a long time? Is not the time to step out from the darkness and finally create the light? It is the time! It is up to all of us to help each other in making this region better place for living. And the only way to do that is through effective and efficient reconciliation process. True is that we are really complicated and complex nations but through history we proved to all that we can actually coexist and cooperate for greater good of all of us. It is time to do that again. The question is how? It is not an easy job that can be done over the night. None of good changes came over the night; this requires a lot of energy, time, good will and cooperation.

Throughout history this region was on the eye of all great powers. It always attracted people by its beauty, natural beauty and geo-strategic position. Many leaders marched through this beautiful part of Europe and left their piece of culture (monuments, buildings, cloths, food). But no matter how hard they were trying, they could not change the Balkan people, stubborn people. There is something weird in our character that does not let us to be leaded by others but also we somehow fail in leading ourselves. When we speak directly just about current political situation in region and politicians we can say following:” It is evident that politicians have failed to meet the needs of its people and are therefore responsible for this situation; they are not even able to face their people to tell them the truth. “[EZĐonlić]

Each of ex-Yugoslavia countries has some specific features that characterize its EU integration processes. However, I am sure that the Balkan countries have many similarities in the most important points on the path of joining the European Union. The challenges have become transnational in character. Balkans countries are facing the same problems, such as corruption, organized crime, the lack of democratic capacity, the marginalization of civil society, etc. The similarities are numerous and I could broadly elaborate on them because all the countries in the region are burdened with similar problems.

Therefore, we must continue to promote cooperation and share good practice. This is the only way to get into the European Union family as soon as possible because nobody is perfect. For the countries of the Balkans there is no alternative to EU integration. EU integration would help each country individually but it would also create stronger relationships between EX-Yugoslavia countries. Integrations will prove to people from the Balkans that their countries are connected and that only by cooperation, development of these countries is possible.

Let us look a bit deeper at Bosnia and Herzegovina.

According to me, the future trends in European, internal and so called national policy, as well as in the fields of economics and social policy are interconnected and conditioned. There will not be successful European integration without concrete and responsible policy towards the region, as well as any improvement in economic and social policy cannot be carried out without building effective institutions and the rule of law, acceptance of EU values and changes in the existing political, social and economic model. Priorities should be completing judicial reform in compliance with EU standards, and continued democratization of media activity through the adoption of new laws harmonized with European practice, national and international institutions and media associations. B&H politicians should be committed to stability in the region, with special significance given to building much better internal relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina with respect to citizens, nations and entities provided by the Dayton Agreement. They should reject an idea that we are mutually contradictory and that survival of united Bosnia and Herzegovina is not possible. It is the duty of citizens, political parties and political institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its entities to find a political way out from the existing situation. Also the governments of the region as the Dayton guardians have an obligation to actively participate in this process and take responsibility to improve the situation in B&H. This would enable Bosnia and Herzegovina to progress in European integration and at the same time inside affirm and improve relations between the entities and ethnic groups.

Good example of the regional reconciliation and cooperation is cooperation of the Croatian and Serbian governments with Government in B&H. We do not have time for a long explanation of these relations but B&H government has a long-lasting effective cooperation with Croatia. For a few years we have also been building good cooperation with Serbia. Do not understand me wrong but for me as a Bosnian it is very important to mention that Serbia did a big thing by stabilizing relationship with B&H and encouraging united B&H and its inner stability.

I believe that we are all aware that B&H needs changes immediately. It is good to hear that European Union is working on new policies for B&H. In this regard, we have a significant support of two major neighbours Croatia and Serbia. Actually B&H should be priority in the region because of its difficult situation that should be addressed. That is why this elections in October 2014 where significantly important. Time will show how well B&H citizens voted.

All politicians should focus on doing good for whole region. They should make our countries stronger, efficient with effective institutions, countries in which all citizens are equal with equal rights, and countries where justice can be found. To be countries where we could find jobs in the labour market, a society where people will pay attention to one’s knowledge and skills; not relations established through nepotism. Ours should be a society where members care about the success of others and the greater society.

That is way we have to follow modern civilization and political philosophy of democratic countries. From political point of view, it is not good when there is no choice, but I think that currently for the Balkan countries there is no better solution than the EU accession. Differences are our beauty, but in our countries much is misunderstood, and perverted. Once we realize our mistakes, we will realize that we have been fighting in vain. The only problem is that it requires a little time and energy, which very often can seem to be too long, irreversible and wasted.

Post Scriptum

As a political science student, youth reconciliation ambassador and future political leader I am strongly committed to the mission of the spreading regional reconciliation and cooperation. At this position my steps might be little but in few years they can make greater good. Working on educating of young people, new generations, which are supposed to fight for the better position of our countries. We are the generation that should find the solution, should help in holding stability and ensuring prosperity by its commitment, knowledge and skills. Right now, I am educating myself and developing new skills in order to be able to be young political leader that in next 20 years can become actual president of my only native land – Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Works Cited

  1. Đonlić, Enna Zone. February 2014. November 2014. <>.
  2. SongLyrics. n.d. 14 November 2014. <>.

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