Institute for European Affairs is focusing on negotiations between Serbia and the EU as well as on strengthening the capacity of all sides involved in the process. Given the complexity and long duration of the process, the Institute brings together a large number of professionals and external experts with whom organises trainings, debates and other forms of capacity development. We want to contribute to enhanced understanding of Serbia-EU relations. The Institute provides multi-perspective trainings in order to enable active participation of professionals and citizens in the decision-making processes. The Institute actively advocates for fundamental reforms within the EU integration process and in cooperation with partners working on strengthening Serbia's capacity to face the challenges of the global world through collective action. The overall objective is active membership of Serbia in Euro-Atlantic framework for the benefit of all citizens.

The results of a public opinion survey on the European Union

On the scale from 1 to 5 on the relations of Serbia and the European Union, citizens graded it with a score of 2.78. At the referendum for Serbia’s accession to the EU, less than half would vote for the accession, 49.5% of the citizens. Serbian citizens consider Croatia to be the biggest enemy in the EU, while they see the greatest EU country friend in Germany. Young citizens are still considerably more euro-sceptical then the older generations.

Research can be downloaded here

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