Institute for European Affairs is focusing on negotiations between Serbia and the EU as well as on strengthening the capacity of all sides involved in the process. Given the complexity and long duration of the process, the Institute brings together a large number of professionals and external experts with whom organises trainings, debates and other forms of capacity development. We want to contribute to enhanced understanding of Serbia-EU relations. The Institute provides multi-perspective trainings in order to enable active participation of professionals and citizens in the decision-making processes. The Institute actively advocates for fundamental reforms within the EU integration process and in cooperation with partners working on strengthening Serbia's capacity to face the challenges of the global world through collective action. The overall objective is active membership of Serbia in Euro-Atlantic framework for the benefit of all citizens.

My Contribution to Regional Reconciliation – I will not make same mistake again

What does it means reconciliation ? Definition is simple at first sight. Reconciliation means restoring mutual respect between individuals from different cultural backgrounds.

Why do we need reconciliation ? We need reconciliation in order to move forward and build modern society on Balkans. Before we move forward, we need to take care of each individual that suffered during the past from any side involved in the previous conflicts. But first, we need to stop killing each other because of religion, nation and territory.

I come from Belgrade, capitol city of Serbia and I am ready to recon ciliate with other individuals coming from other nations and minorities in area of Balkan. I will not make a same mistake, as rulers of Serbia (both democratically elected ones and ones proved as dictators) have made. They were and they are still obsessed with idea of glorious Serbian nation. Because so called glory from the times, that have passed a long time ago, they were never (so far) ready to make steps in order to recon ciliate. We need to recon ciliate ! As long as we are talking about territories, about historical rights and glorious nations of our own, we will never build a prosperous and stable region. And world needs prosperous Balkans as region of South-Eastern Europe. We need it even more, since we are caring all the burden as people living here.

I stated scientifically approved definition of reconciliation in the beginning of my work. But, what does really means word reconciliation ? At the end, it always comes to shaking hands and making friendships. On Balkans, we are all very similar and so mixed, that there are no pure nations, as leaders in the region during the years tried to convince us. We all share same space and same goals as citizens of our countries. And why wouldn’t we work together and achieve everything together ? That is the next question, we all need to address. Why ? At first sight, there is no reason for not cooperating, if we are talking about similarities. But, as there is positive side, there is also a negative side of the story. Negative one, brings us to story of war, crimes committed during the war and among all negative propaganda that brought in mind of citizens in every country in region awareness of ,,collective responsibility” for both war and the crimes committed during the war. They are obstacles that we need to cross in order to recon ciliate. We should not just cross them over and forget about them. They are the first phase and without solving them, we can never turn to next phase, where real reconciliation can be expected.

But when it comes to me as individual I can freely ask myself – How can I contribute to reconciliation process in the region, that is still trying to get on its feet ? I consider myself as I talkative person. I hope I’ll get a chance to use my skill as a mean in order to talk through our problems and don’t make same mistake once again. I say our, because on Balkans, we all share same weaknesses and same problems. When it comes to problems, we need to unite. And there is no better way to unite, then to unite in order to solve problems for the sake of our region, for our own sake and sake of our children.

I will not make a same mistake. Same mistake that was made during the whole course of history on Balkans. I will not call upon historical rights and glorify my nation, so we can continue with policy of hate and nationalism that have never brought us prosperity and brightness. Not only my country have followed this policy, all of countries followed or are still following and representing this blind political point of view.

I always repeat to myself words, that are written as a message in Park of peace in Hiroshima – ,, Rest in peace. We’ll not make same mistake again.” That’s a message we need to deliver also to people in region. It’s a strong message with simple words. And how once again, everything seems simple.

Currently, it’s obvious, that there is no political will of political elites to finally start with project that we are very much in need – project of reconciliation. That’s why our region needs more Youth Reconciliation Ambassadors ! Not only as a carriers of titles, but as true and devoted workers for peace. One of us can’t make an impact, as all of us united can, coming from all parts of Balkans. Kosovo*, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia…It doesn’t matter to us. All we want is peace and prosperity for our region and our people.

We don’t want wars and blood on our streets. We want our children to live in Balkans, that we will leave them, the one that will not be remembered as ,, powder keg”. The one that will be remembered as factor of peace and stability in world.

Not only I, but also twenty of us (so far ) will not make same mistake. Our goal is clear, our work is public and we will not stop with it, till we accomplish our mission and finally recon ciliate people in our region. There will be more of us in years to come, with same will to devote to the mission and contribute to the glorious achievement in history of human kind – peace.

On the rift of the today’s world, I stand brave along with my friends, Youth Reconciliation Ambassadors. We will accomplish our mission along with our people, Balkan people. We will not make same mistake again.

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