Institute for European Affairs is focusing on negotiations between Serbia and the EU as well as on strengthening the capacity of all sides involved in the process. Given the complexity and long duration of the process, the Institute brings together a large number of professionals and external experts with whom organises trainings, debates and other forms of capacity development. We want to contribute to enhanced understanding of Serbia-EU relations. The Institute provides multi-perspective trainings in order to enable active participation of professionals and citizens in the decision-making processes. The Institute actively advocates for fundamental reforms within the EU integration process and in cooperation with partners working on strengthening Serbia's capacity to face the challenges of the global world through collective action. The overall objective is active membership of Serbia in Euro-Atlantic framework for the benefit of all citizens.

New page of the history

Dear reader,

It is very hard to write just one essay about this, so I shall begin a story…

Once upon a time some people lived a nice, comfortable and normal life. They all had a home, a motherland, freedom. Schooling and health system were well done and equal for all of them. Making a family in early twenties was a normal thing. Having more than one child was almost always the case. All the sudden a group of them decided it is not enough. They wanted to change something. They wanted more rights, more money, more land, more, more, more …And the taking started. Wars started. Part of those people are not among the living ones. The other part is following changed ideals of the first ones. What has left is a BIG MESS!

A few days ago a colorful group of again (imagine that!) people gathered around. They were about the same age as their fathers before. And, they wanted the same thing. Better life, better living, better communication,. Adding just one more thing- NO MORE FIGHTING, MORE LOVE!

It is very hard to start this, so I start over and over again…

Five days … twenty five people … different nations … different problems … different gender … All they wanted is the same- AN ANSWER! They did not want an answer to how it all begin, that is impossible to answer. However, a path to a SOLUTION of all that confusion is something that we all search.

At the beginning we asked – What to do and how to help OURSELFES and have a better life? After these five days we asked – what to do and how to help EACH OTHER?

It is very hard to continue, however, I need to…

First night after the opening party a group of us went to a pub. We listened to English music. People from Kosovo (Macedonians did not come along) set quietly. On the last day, all of us we went to a ‘kafana”, typical Serbian restaurant, listen to live folk Serbian music and we all danced the night away. It is not about the language, it is about the words…

We started learning basics of Albanian, they opened up and started talking Serbian in ministry for Kosovo and Metohija. We started using ‘’ba’’, so typical for people from Bosnia. They started using ‘’brate’’ so typical for people from Belgrade

It is very hard to explain, but I have to…

Don’t get me wrong, there is a long way in front of us. The longest is probably with Kosovo. However, it is very hard not to think about the simplicity of the solution! Union of any kind, decentralization, opening up and sending a better image to the world about us. Let the people know we are modern, communicative, rich in all these cultures, modest and giving. Let the investors know we worth a lot. Not to let them know that they can come and give low salaries. Make them come because we have great professionals. Also, we should start hiring among us. With Bosnia it took too long to start all this, why repeat that with Kosovo? Where is Macedonia?

It is very hard to forgive, however I am beginning…

These intensive five days show that terrible things happened everywhere. Sure, media together with politician took care that we, new generation, remember only bad things toward our people.

Don’t forget we are all people!

Do not forget all the dead once, just add more of them.

Add more tears,

more pain,

more empty eyes,

more blood,

more ruined families,

more empty houses, torn down buildings, bridges,

more unemployment,

more, more, more!

Until you cannot handle it any more.

Until it all force you to let it go.

Until the burden is to heavy and if you don’t put it on the ground, the ground will swallow you.

Put it in books, teach some new students that all our ancestors made mistakes. Show them we learned from mistakes and made them better.

It will always be fresh, there will never be enough time to forgive. Forgiveness is a salvation and if twenty five of us did it in only five days, Balkan can do it in few years!


It is very hard to conclude, so I will let YOU DO THAT


Only if you are positive, positive will come to you. It is the rule of attraction.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

’’Una hirunda non facit ver’’  ’’Volente deo’’  ’’Per aspera ad astra’’.

All these ancient sentences are true and they represent a beginning, so I keep on starting … Someone has to. My generation is paying the sins. I accept.

Let’s  start all over and again. Together we can do more. We can bring more, we can share more. These five days showed that.

It will take time and patience, but it doesn’t have to take more blood and tears!!

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