The profile of the participants is as following:
Age between 18-30;
University student, enrolled in the undergraduate, master or PhD studies or,
Young professional working within public sector or,
Youth from political party or NGO dealing with Human Rights, EU Integration or Reconciliation;
Be motivated and committed to contribute to the theme of the activity and its outcomes;
Be able to work in the official working language – English;
Be available for the whole duration of the activity;
Be a citizen/resident of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia or Serbia.
Selected participants will be granted a scholarship, based on the essay proposal and activity plan, to cover the expenses of the programme, accommodation, food and public transportation. Travel costs to and from Belgrade will be reimbursed according to the YEC’s internal policy. Participation fee is € 20 and should be paid only by selected participants on the arrival day in local currency.
Applicants have to send: the completed Application Form by November 2, 2014 by 23:59 hrs.
All documents are to be sent to ambassadors@iea.rsno later than November 2, 2014 by 23:59hrs. Application forms sent after the specified deadline will not be considered. Results will be published on the webpage: www.iea.rs by November 7, 2014 by 00:00hrs. The selected candidates have to confirm their presence by November 11, no later than 17:00hrs.
If there is a need interviews with some/all of the candidates will be organised on November 5via SKYPE or phone call. Information package with the precise program details and materials will be given only to the selected participants.