Institute for European Affairs is focusing on negotiations between Serbia and the EU as well as on strengthening the capacity of all sides involved in the process. Given the complexity and long duration of the process, the Institute brings together a large number of professionals and external experts with whom organises trainings, debates and other forms of capacity development. We want to contribute to enhanced understanding of Serbia-EU relations. The Institute provides multi-perspective trainings in order to enable active participation of professionals and citizens in the decision-making processes. The Institute actively advocates for fundamental reforms within the EU integration process and in cooperation with partners working on strengthening Serbia's capacity to face the challenges of the global world through collective action. The overall objective is active membership of Serbia in Euro-Atlantic framework for the benefit of all citizens.

Peer to Peer Education – Venesa Mušović

Venesa Musovic- Photo 1

What was the topic of the discussion and how was organised?

The topic was “What types of identity there are?”. The idea was to talk about national and ethnic identities with perspectives of modern and traditional theories, so to emphasize the issue of old fashion views which create confussion and wiev of identity as essential part of someones life, decisions and obligations.

I organized workshop in High school in Prijepolje (Prijepoljska gimnazija) in duration of 45 minutes. I talked to pupils who was born as “war generation 1999/2000”, so I can see how they preserve this etiquette which was given to them as to many others. Big support for this workshop I got from professore of civic rights of citizens. Professor and school pshycologist were very happy and satisfied with my lecture, so they call me to come any time I want to talk about social isssues with the pupils. The only problem was that we couldn’t have more than 10 students at one time, so i went to school two times and talked to two different groups of same age students. At the end I had 21 students involved all together. I hope you will recognize this kind of organization as valid. At photos you may see that discussion was held at the same room with two different groups – 10 + 10. However, I plan to continue with my activity even without the obligation to this particular programme, so I promise I will fulfill your aim.

I’ve thried to organize the same thing in some schools in Belgrade, but directors of shools asked for the premision of Ministry of education, etc. so I gave up after chasing the second high school in Belgrade and come to my hometown. Summa summarum, I am glad I did it, because those children needed it more, as they always have less chances to reach cultural events and open discussion of professors from different disciplines and opinions than those children from bigger cities. The discussion meant a lot to me personaly. I enjoyed talkind to the students and felt great just being with idea that I can “touch” them with my story.

Disscusion was organized in three parts:

Firsty I presented the programme of YRA and I said about reasons I believe that this topic is important to be spread and understood among us.

In this first part I posed questions to see their knowlage about the identity, nationality, the wars in Balkans during the 90’s, etc.

After that I explained scientific definition on identity and how national identity is constructed as sustainable ideology through years and decades and what are the main elements of identification.

I gave examples through history of wars in former Yugoslavia countries. I compare national and idea of European identity also.

Third part was dedicated to the discussion about the movie “Tell your children” we watched together.

The whole time I was asking about their experiences and were asking from them to define certain terms, just to see in what direction they thoughts are going.

At the end we watched a short film “Tell your children” and talked about it.

Explain the reaction of the participants on your speech.

They were highly interested in this topic, but frankly also relatively uninformed. I can say that they loved the lecture. Particulary the movie we saw together (Tell your children) evoked discussion among themselves. I felt that they loved it because it was complitley different from what they got in everyday school + this was an very open and fa lesrs rigid way od finding out important informations.

Have you notice the impact of your lecture on the participants? Explain.

Kids asked me for my background and where did I learn this things, they asked for more movies and also mentioned some of the movies they watched about holocaust. By their curious faces I can say that I am convinced they will think a lot about this topic. As usually with kids, they make jokes and don’t want to listen, but after 10 minutes of introduction they got it very seriously. It was important for them because they live in multiethnic environment and question of identity, tolerance and conflict is aways active and important. No one talked to them about national identity or about identity in general in school before, so I hope this will leave an impact on them. Even those who said that thay are apolitical and not interested in this topics got the point of “being well informed” if nothing more (as being involved and active). I gave them the link of movie a “Letter to Milan”, so expect they comments on this to send me via email. I am curious to hear their thoughts.

What were the questions posed by the participants and how did you react?

One of the question was how does the ideology works and why some movies do not show bad guys as they are – bad?

I must admit that the group was maybe young to be familiar with some terms, and maybe they were shy to ask a lot og things I mentioned and they didn’t understand, but I can’t be sure. They mostly was silent and horrified after story of crimes and political manipulation I told them about.

Note: my participants didn’t like to be photographed, so I didn’t insist that much and unfortunately we do not have a group photo.

Venesa Musovic- Photo2 Venesa Musovic-Photo 3

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