What was the topic of the discussion and how was organised?
Course title: Dealing with the past
Covered topics: Disclosure of information aboutthe armedconflictsin the formerYugoslavia; transitional justice and mechanismsfor its implementation
Explain the reaction of the participants on your speech.
Many participantswere shockedbecausethey did not knowthe scaleof war crimes thatwere presentedduring the lecture
Have you notice the impact of your lecture on the participants? Explain.
Most participantsagreed thatresponsible personson all sidesmustbe foundto be judged, so we can finallymove onfrom thehorrible crimesthat werecommitted. That’s is the way that would not be acause forviolenceagainin the future
What were the questions posed by the participants and how did you react?
Questions, in most, were related to thecrime inSrebrenica in 1995.Teacherswere asked toexplainwhyis that crimecharacterized asgenocide, and notas a warcrime or a crimeagainsthumanity.
My answer was consisted ofexplaing conviction forthe crimes inSrebrenicaand itselaboration