U fokusu rada Instituta za evropske poslove je praćenje pregovora Srbije sa EU i jačanje kapaciteta svih uključenih u procesu. Imajući u vidu složenost i dugotrajnost ovog procesa, Institut okuplja veliki broj stručnih saradnika sa kojima organizuje treninge, debate i druga usavršavanja zato što želimo da svojim radom doprnesemo boljem razumevanju evroatlantskih integracija. Institut radi na organizovanju treninga i pružanju multiperspektivnih informacija kako bismo omogućili aktivno učešće stručne javnosti i građana u procese donošenja odluka. Institut aktivno zagovara i zalaže se za temeljne reforme u okviru pegovaračkog procesa i u saradnji sa partnerima jačamo kapacitete Srbije da se suoči sa izazovima u globalnom svetu kroz zajedničko delovanje, koje za krajnji cilj ima aktivno članstvo Srbije u evroatlantskim okvirima za dobrobit svih građana.

Vršnjačka edukacija – Boris Pavlović

Boris Pavlovic_Photo4-group photo

What was the topic of the discussion and how was organised?

Reconciliation as an imperative for moving on. After our introduction speech we saw the movie A Letter, and then we discussed some life situations the participants were in. It was organised as a discussion in which Sanida and I were the moderators. The discussion was planned to last for an hour and a half, but it lasted for two and a half hours instead due to the interest of the participants.

Explain the reaction of the participants on your speech.

Right after our introduction speech the participants didn’t start actively participating in the discussion, but after some encouragement the discussion was pretty intense.

Have you notice the impact of your lecture on the participants? Explain.

Some of the participants had a very strict attitude when it came to blaming Serbia and Serbs for the past events, but when we gave them an example how Bosniaks committed a crime they realized that they couldn’t identify themselves as a part of the same group, thus they realized that they cannot generalize an entire nation for a crime of a single person.

What were the questions posed by the participants and how did you react?

We planned our peer to peer education as a discussion. Most of the things we discussed were events from the participants lives, meaning that participants didn’t ask us many questions.

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