My contribution to The Regional Reconciliation
Every one of us wants to live in a world where there is no misunderstanding, discrepancies, insults, terror and war. It is in the human nature that all of us want to live in a better society. Therefore, countries like Macedonia have aspirations to become part of The Union of the high – developed European countries. Considering the general development of many countries that have become part of the European Union, we can assume that the membership of The Republic of Macedonia and the other Western Balkan in the European Union can be positive and bring good affect in the resolution of the bilateral issues that these countries face with. Following the example of the high – developed European countries, we all want to build The Western Balkan in a new peaceful society. But the reconciliation process it is not an easy and fast process. That is why each of us has the obligation to contribute in this process. I have already started my contribution. Have you? Think about it! And it is not just because of me, but because of all the benefits that the reconciliation process will bring to us and to the future of all these countries.
Few days ago I finished my work “The meaning of the intercultural communication”. My main goal was to express all my thoughts about this specifically meaningful topic for a small multiethnic society as Macedonia. All of the problems that Macedonia is dealing with right now, are because of the huge problem we still have and that is “the separation of one nation”. The problem is even bigger if we emphasize that we talk about a nation that counts less than 2 million. Why is this happening? Wе can blame it on the Government. That is so easy nowadays. We can also blame specific people that have caused crisis and problems in our politics. Or we can just say that “All the world just hates us”. But what about the rest of us – the ordinary people? Where are we in all that situation? Of course, we are just helpless citizens of one poor small Balkan country, betrayed voters, speechless listeners and we can’t do anything to help, we can just watch peacefully all of the wrong things development and do nothing about it. But that’s not right. That is why I decided to create this few pages work of all of my previous knowledge and experience, where I can explain to people, especially to the youth where is our role in all the process of reconciliation and strong development.
Thinking about all the problems of my country, I honestly do not know where to start. Well first of all, we have our intern problems. Than we have problems with almost all the neighbor countries. And third, we have a problem in the EU and NATO integration process. The last two are the most painful problems. The NATO integration process remains a very painful burden for Macedonia, because even after all the promises and refusals we got from Bucharest, Macedonia still continued with its army reforms and contributions to NATO missions abroad. Probably our country has completed one of the longest preparation process for membership in the alliance’s history and is the fifth largest contributor to NATO’s international missions, with regard to population, compared to all NATO members. And there is one single reason why we can’t become a member of the alliance – Just because of the name dispute with Greece. And that is the main problem that Macedonia has with our neighbor Greece. Actually that is an issue that Greece has with the name of Macedonia. But it is our problem. It is not the only one though. We still have problems with the other neighbor countries. The other big debate for Macedonia is the EU integration process. Unfortunately, in this case, we can’t blame the fault just on the Greeks. We still have highly corrupted public institutions… We have problems in the education, healthcare, agriculture system etc. The last few months we have demonstrations on the streets in the capital almost every day. Just a week ago we had the biggest affair ever, named “The bomb”, where we have proves of telephone interception of calls of almost all the high political officials and important social people by The Prime Minister of Macedonia, published by the Leader of The biggest opposition party and earned in collaboration with still unknown foreign agencies. Every single day we can see students on the streets fighting for their rights, people yelling at The Institutions so they can hear their pain. And instead of having a constant process of solving problems and constructive solutions, we have a constant process of a public fight between The Government and the opposition.
And I am not worried about all the bad situation, it had to happen. We all knew about it. I am worried because we all forgot of the language that we speak. Instead of having constructive dialogs, working together as a team and solving all of our problems step by step, we fight each other. We even hate each other. We let people helpless on the streets. We kill people!
I know I am not The Prime Minister of Macedonia, and I can’t solve all the problems we deal with, but I can help. I am one more on the side of the Stoics, or one less on the side of the Cynics. And believe it or not, that is a great contribution too. Furthermore, I share all my thoughts and I speak loud for all the obstacles we have. My voluntary work in many NGO’s, all of my ideas, events, discussions… I believe all of that have some impact to the immediate society at least. My work as an Artistic director in a Folklore Ensemble, gives me a chance to teach children about our culture, The Balkans culture, to provide them a chance as young ambassadors to represent our tradition around the world and learn about the foreign cultures, learn their tradition and learn to respect their tradition and culture. That is the reason why I did my work “The meaning of the intercultural communication” and I shared it with all my friends, relatives and people that I know. As we know, all of us want to meet with people that are good speakers, with who we can communicate without fear that we will not be properly understood or that we will be ignored. We all want to communicate without the use of the social masks. All of us are searching for truth, honesty, willingness to share ideas, events, life stories and experiences with people – that we call soulmates. And we enjoy the time spent with them, just because the welcome warm conversation and a pleasant personality. And why we named that person as pleasant one? Because she/he knows how to communicate well. And that is the answer to all the intercultural conflicts, misunderstandings and fights. We have to have a good intercultural communication. And my country has to think about the language we use right now to tell our demands and ask for our rights. We have to learn the language of reconciliation, to learn how to communicate good, without any insults, offends and disrespects. I believe my work will help at least the people that will read it to change in that way.
However, In order to learn some more, I succeeded to become part of International School of Leaders organized by The President of Macedonia H.E.Gjorge Ivanov. I believe, whilie i was listening and learning from the professional experiences of some of the greatest leaders of Macedonia and the world, I improved and advanced my leadership skills and that’s why I strongly believe that with my all my work in NGO’s, being a member of The Youth Council of Municipality of Kochani and being part of The 6th Generation of Youth Reconciliation Ambassadors, I will not just contribute to the reconciliation process in my country, but our society as well.
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TV Kochani
Во Пехчево се одржа конференција за млади на тема “Улогата на младите во процесот на помирување на балканските народи – значењето на мирот и стабилноста во процесот на ЕУ интегрирање на земјите од регионот”
Денес во организација на Локалната самоуправа, во салата на Советот на Општина Пехчево се одржи Конференција на тема: “Улогата на младите во процесот на помирување на балканските народи – значењето на мирот и стабилноста во процесот на ЕУ интегрирање на земјите од регионот”.
Најпрвин средбата на младите ја поздрави градоначалникот на Пехчево Игор Поповски, при што укажа дека од голема важност за младите е да ги негуваат соживотот, толеранцијата и меѓусебната соработка, без разлика кој на која нација, релеигија или политичка опција и припаѓа.
Присутните биа запознаени со значењето на Конференцијата за младински амбасадори за помирување на земјите од Западен Балкан на која учествуваше Ивана Вучкова од Кочани и која, на таа средба се стекна со титулата младински амбасадор. Освен ова, на кенференцијата беа обработени и темите: Регионалната соработка и начини за подобрување на истата, како младите ќе помогнат во процесот на помирување на Балканот, зошто е потребно поинаку да гледаме на историјата; слободата на медиумите и нивното значење во процесот на приклучување кон ЕУ.
Присутните средношколци и претставници на невладините организации од општина Пехчево земаа учество по сите теми што беа предмет на презентацијата од страна на Ивана Вучкова, младински амбасадор.
За учесниците и гостите на овој младински собир беше организирана проекција на филмот. „Чија е оваа песна
Idi vidi
Конференција „Улогата на младите во процесот на помирување на балканските народи“ во Пехчево
Пехчево, 28 јануари 2015 (МИА) – Во Пехчево денеска се одржа конференција на тема „Улогата на младите во процесот на помирување на балканските народи“ на која, меѓу другото беше направен осврт на значењето на стабилноста во процесот на ЕУ интегрирање на земјите од регионот.
Средбата на младите ја поздрави градоначалникот на Пехчево Игор Поповски, кој укажа дека од голема важност за младите е да ги негуваат соживотот, толеранцијата и меѓусебната соработка, без разлика кој на која нација, релегија или политичка опција и припаѓаат.
На конференцијата се дискутираше за регионалната соработка и начини за нејзино подобрување, како младите ќе помогнат во процесот на помирување на Балканот, зошто е потребно поинаку да гледаме на историјата, за слободата на медиумите и нивното значење во процесот на приклучување кон ЕУ и за меѓукултурната комуникација.
За учесниците и гостите на овој младински собир беше организирана проекција на филмот „Чија е оваа песна“.